ecy stack and other combinations

Some people have been experimenting with the ECA stack and other ingredients to, while some do help a little bit like green tea extract for added weight loss, the effect is most of the time not really worth the added expense. And in some cases the additional potential side effects like yohomhine.

Adding yohombine to the ECA stack can be effective but since ephedrine and yohombine work a bit in opposite ways its not be advised and if you do try this then build up slowly to assess how well you can handle it. 

The effect should more or less be like ephedrine is sitting on the gas pedal and yohombine is braking at the same time and I think most of us know that this is a potential problem for your heart. If you also consider the side effects of both products it can become a issue. You can find info about the ECY stack (yohombine added) general info can be found when you look for bodybuilding on google .

While many people say that ECA is a dangerous and illegal supplement it has been around for decades and was widely used before the ban in 2002, up to the point where around 2% of the Danish population was using it as a effective weight loss product. The product has its side effects but if used properly in the right doses by healthy people (no high blood pressure, heart problems etcetera…) then you should have very little problem with it after the few days, but just in case if you decide to start this stack then you should seriously consider starting with a lower dose and building up slowly.

Ephedrine can be found in its herbal form under the name ephedra or Ma Huang(Chinese) but it is very difficult to assess proper dosage for the ECA stack if you use pills filled with that, Ma Huang and ephedra are no pure products and the ephedrine content can vary a lot, since it tends to have more side effects to it would be advisable to use pure ephedrine HCL which is the manufactured version and if you’re looking for where to buy the ECA stack you can be find them on multiple different websites across the internet if you look good enough.

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